up in the air. I am so relieved to have sent the first one off to the powers-that-be, I have given myself a breather. But the breather's over. For a time, I thought that the next topic should be about the "sandwich" generation. You know, those of us who are still raising our children but are in the position of having to care for our parents as well. It's tough. It's a blessing, but it ain't easy. Believe it or not, I have found a great deal of humor among frequent chaos, frustration and sadness. Whether it's now or 10 years from now, this book will be written. I hope people in the same situation will use it as a handbook, an escape and sometimes even a weapon (not against the parent, but you know – uncooperative siblings and apathetic caregivers).
The other topic, and this one begs to be written too, is on women and aging. Specifically, the phases a woman goes through to get to what I call "the wonder years," or late 40s/early 50s. "Wonder how I got here? Wonder why I've been here? Wonder how much longer I have? Wonder if I'm supposed to have facial hair…" You know, the wonder years.
The first book, which still may be available by the end of this year, takes a humorous look at how we southerners cope with that world-renown subculture affectionately referred to as "white trash." If you were raised here in the South or if you've lived here for any length of time, you understand that there are unwritten, unspoken rules by which Southerners gauge themselves and everyone else. And we all know people – families, friends or just acquaintances – who have never heard of those rules and who would thumb their nose at them if they had.
Southern Fried White Trash takes an irreverent look at how white trash folks pull off weddings, funerals and other family gatherings. The book takes a look at how they live life. And who knows whose way is the right way? They certainly seem to worry about a whole lot less than the rest of us do! Anyway read it, and you decide. I think you'll enjoy it.